Olive Park Surprise Proposal | Destination Engagement Photographer

I knew Hayley and Adam in college and had also done a session for them the previous summer with their puppy, Hazel. Adam reached out to me in May with his big plan to do an Olive Park surprise proposal (where they went on their 3rd date) on their 5th anniversary! He knew I shot a lot of proposals, and they loved their photos from our previous session, so he figured it was a no-brainer to have it photographed.

We made our plan but there were a couple things making it a bit more complicated than usual. For one, Hayley knows me. Usually, I can hide in plain sight because the propose-ee doesn't know my face. But for this, I had to kind of keep an eye on them from afar and then hide behind a tree. The other thing is that once the day came, it was raining off and on ALL DAY. Adam and I decided to just go with it and make it work. It was pretty stressful, but what do you know, the moment they showed up, it stopped raining just in time for the Olive Park surprise proposal! And Hayley was taken completely by surprise, as you can see in the photos.

It was a very sweet moment. After they left the park, they went to a party Adam had planned with all their friends and family. A pretty epic proposal!